Harper Meeting her Great Gramps

Created by Sarah 6 years ago

Harper was very lucky to have met her Great-Gramps when she was only 3 months old - Gramps travelled out to Brisbane, Australia especially to meet his first great-grandchild, which being in his mid-80's was a huge trip to make.

As soon as Gramps landed at the airport he came straight round to meet Harper - she instantly turned on the charm and decided that she would show off some new tricks for the first time.

Harper rolled onto her belly for the first time and looked up expectantly at her Great-Gramps for praise .... however the flight had caught up with Gramps and he was fast asleep in the arm chair! She made sure that she commanded his attention when he woke up however and she was in love. Gramps got to see her grow and develop in her first year of life via our weekly Skype video chats.

I am forever grateful that she knew her Great-Gramps within the first year of her life and will cherish those memories.